It was a very good appointment with the specialist today. He is much more optimistic than Dr. S, and says that there's a 50/50 chance I won't need surgery... possibly if I can avoid infection and take really good care of myself, my body might reabsorb the infectious fluid and dead tissue. There are a lot of compelling reasons to avoid going in even for a simple drainage procedure, as this would introduce more potential infection in there, and would lead to long term complications.
So I still could get sick and have to go in for more procedures, but he seems optimistic that my age and otherwise decent health will be in my favor in this case. He also said that the pancreas is pretty pissed, and I'll likely spend more time in the hospital in the next year or so for pancreatitis, even without obviously exasperating it, just because of the sensitivity of it. But even at that I can still hope for avoiding surgery.
So my orders are to eat well, sleep a lot, take short walks, and rest for the next week. It's hard to eat with the bloating, but I am working on it. It's also hard to get enough calories since I have to eat low fat, low sugar. I am going to try to eat small meals more often, I guess.
I am greatly relieved, and happily resting today... I think tomorrow will be more of the same.
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