So anyway, I told my roommate, Jamie (who is 23 and just a tiny bit gullible) that Scott had won a live turkey, and that he was keeping it in his backyard with his giant Mastiff, Sam. I told her that they got along famously, and played with each other, and everything. I told her that Scott and Terri were keeping the turkey as a pet. I also said that they had to bring it inside when it rained because it would leave it's mouth open and look up and drown otherwise. I love turkeys.
On Thanksgiving morning, I was watching the Macy's parade, and on the phone with Scott, and Jamie was getting ready to get in the shower. I said loudly "So what time are you guys slaughtering the turkey?", causing Jamie to spring from behind the bathroom door with a look of pure horror on her face, crying "Why are they killing the turkey? I never even got to see the turkey!!" Apparently Jamie had been thinking about the turkey during boring parts of her days, and was planning on visiting it and perhaps taking some photos of it. She was mortified. I handed her the phone, at which point Scott revealed the truth... that he had won a GIFT CERTIFICATE for a turkey...
Jamie doesn't seem to trust me much anymore.
1 comment:
he actually traded the turkey for slim jims and mountain dew
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