Well, I seem to have forgotten how to post on here. It's been a pretty up and down month, with the past couple of weeks resulting in two different several day stays at KU Med again. Ick.
I had a catheter put into my liver bile duct, as it was narrowing and causing blockage. In a couple of weeks, they'll actually put a permanent stint in there to keep that blockage from happening again. I have been eating better, though, so maybe this catheter thing is helping.
Malnutrition remains the number one problem at this point as my protein levels are dangerously low. I NEVER DREAMED that eating when you don't want to eat or when food just doesn't taste good would be so damn hard. It kills me. Quite literally, they seem to think, actually.
So hopefully I am on the upswing again... still really skinny and kinda yucky looking, though.
I am knitting like crazy in preparation for the Bizarre Bazaar, which is the Saturday after Thanksgiving, by the way!!! If you can't wait that long for a fabulous hand knit Kalli Scarf, check out the ones I have on sale down at the Lawrence Arts Center gift shop.
Last night Becky hit a 6 point buck going 75 mph on Hiway 24 on her way home from her job in Topeka. How freaking scary is that??? Her car is totalled, but thank god she's okay. I know she's going to be needing some chiropractic care, she woke up sore and freaked out today. I am just grateful as hell that she's alright!
Ginger is here visiting for a few days, so I am taking advantage and asking for favorite foods to be cooked while she's here. Mmmm. Goulash.
is she mounting the deer head and hanging it on her wall? them's good eaten...
I'm glad you're back, and Becky survived the deer attack.
Can I meet your mom? Will she make some food for me too?
Tonight is the big Brook Creek meeting with the new director of the Salvation Army - 7pm Rec Center. It will be a show-down!
I haven't forgotten you!!! I love you!!! I miss you more than you know. I am, however, a bad friend, and am very self-absorbed right now. I'll be working on that, starting next week.
I'd love to see you and Ginger. I'm booked solid until maybe Saturday morning. What are your weekend plans?
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