I can't keep up with all the stuff. I had a domain name but then let it lapse. I moved that blog to www.kallisanders.blogspot.com. If you searched for me by my name you got to that one. All my old blog entries are archived here, and I am no longer adding new stuff. If you want to see current stuff go here:
Then I began posting again on my old original blog, which is
www.kallipalooza.blogspot.com. You are here. I've been journaling on here since 2006 and probably won't stop now, although I never really know what direction it's going in.
and NOW... +kalli sanders
I think everything will eventually condense to Google +
I also like this layout on tumblr so I got me one of them.
www.kallipalooza.tumblr.com this is just an easy way to post quick comments and pics, I find it more casual than a lengthy blog entry.
And of course there is twitter: http://twitter.com/kallipalooza
I've never really tweeted well, outside of the occasional "picplz" link to a photo or the occasional snarky comment.
and facebook. http://www.facebook.com/kallipalooza
old habits die hard... it will be a while before I can give this up.
I really like to take pictures, so I have a pro account on flickr, but soon I'll move it all to google "Picasa". which is also on Google +.
The funny and ironic part of all of this is that approximately 4 people actually read my stuff.
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