I was convinced that I'd drank away my child-bearing years, not to mention wasted opportunities to find Mr. Right. He wasn't hanging out at the bars I was, anyway. And I was slowly extricating from a 5-year relationship with Mr. Almost-but-not-quite-Right, who is now a very dear friend. And my tired, sick body was pronounced almost certainly done with ovulation and all that good stuff, not to mention the fact that I do have lots of scars and inner scar tissue that made the possibility of carrying a child inconcievable. Hee! Inconcievable. Ironic, isn't it?
Grace is certainly pushing her way around my insides, making room to grow and taking her own space inside me, as I imagine she will claim her own space in the world, as well. I'm thrilled at the thought of being the vessel and support for such a wondrous event. She's bound and determined, that's for sure.
So I'm actually starting to believe that becoming an old woman is possible, and definitely desirable. And that my regrets will be limited, if at all. I plan to live as if it's all possible.
Grace....wow. What a PERFECT name.
Grace??? Awesome.
Years ago, I told a friend that I had no regrets. He thought that was weird and then I explained that I have PLENTY that I wouldn't do over again if given the choice, but every single stupid thing I've ever done and all the lumps I gave myself were worth it in the end because that, my friend, is How I Got Here.
I heart you, Kalli, Rikki, and Grace!
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