Friday, October 14, 2011

What a gorgeous day to live in south-central Kansas! No really, I mean it.  I am still kinda amazed at how content I am in my home and in the town.  Being so near my parents has it's plusses and minuses,  and fortunately the good things outweigh the bad.  They've been instrumental in providing some last minute care for G when things have gotten wonky at work.

Despite wonky...I love my job.  I feel like there are like-minded and interesting people working here, and I really find things in common and the ability to empathize with far more of the people that are clients here than I'd like to admit.   It's really great focusing on recovery, and the idea that people can and do recover from mental illness...even if it's just overcoming, eliminating, or working around symptoms.  

Love to see Friday get here, will have a little OT for the week as there are a couple of open positions waiting to be filled.  I am looking forward to picking up G a little early and going to the park to read my Kindle play with Grace. 

My Amazon report over the last couple of months...either purchased or just getting around to reading:
Meditation for Busy Minds

Black Betty mp3

Bridesmaids, Unrated

Voices of the Great Plains

Unwasted (I can loan this to anyone on Kindle)

The Paris Wife

What's New, Pussycat? Mp3

That's the excitement here... Octoberfest and having visitors from Lawrence was awesome.  I'm settling into an early morning schedule, and I'm amazed at all the things I can do in my car.

Things I may or may not do in my car while commuting...I'm not saying I do them all the time, but a few of them HAVE occurred. 

-Roll down the window & take pictures
-change a dvd in the portable dvd player with one hand reaching in the back seat
-rescue a princess crown from the backseat floor
-make calls to people
-file my nails
-put cuticle treatment on my nails
-polish my nails
-words with friends
-listen to podcasts like The Moth and This American Life and Freakonomics
-listen to Laurie Berkner
-peel a clementine
-open various snack packages
-stop to watch deer crossing the road
-stab juice pouches without poking the straw thru the other side
-hold hands with Grace
-play "I Spy" and the Alphabet Game

It's a long day to drive at sunrise and sunset every day, although it's an advantage for a directionally-challenged person like myself, I always know what direction I am going.  

Poll:   Deer Whistles on the car or not? 

please comment.

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