Friday, January 21, 2005

Things I am excited about... today.

*Upcoming performance in "The Vagina Monologues"... hot diggity!!
*Rehearsal for this on Sunday... after "Knit'n'bitch" at Heather's Sunday morning, and before book club... for which I have not yet begun to read the damn book. The Count of Monte Cristo... sigh.
*New books from yesterday's trip to TSCL (Topeka Shawnee County Library) and stop at *RedLobster on the way home. I know, it's disgusting but I just had to do it. The cheddar bay biscuits and shrimp skanky were calling me.
*Queens' float for St. Patrick's Day... I hear green sequins calling my name. I wonder if I could knit myself a big green dress for this event.
*Speaking of knitting, this cracked me up with her rant about the Knifty Knitter... not to mention the responses it provoked.
*mmmm. I'm getting a massage at 3:45, courtesy of my friend Brad's gift to me 6 months ago. I can't wait, now that I've waited this long.
Anyhoo, it's Friday, and that's a very good thing.

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