Thursday, November 18, 2004

No running in the halls...

Knitiot: Rhymes with idiot.
I spent too much money yesterday on yarn that I don't even like in hopes of getting into this damn craft show to sell scarves that probably everyone else is already selling.

you know what I hate? People who run in the hallways. Now I get it. Now I get why they tried to teach us that in school. I was just sitting here typing and someone just sprinted down the hall outside of my office. I just wasted 3 minutes watching him drive away out my window, wondering what was wrong. Why so fast, mister? Maybe he's like my cat, and just needed to be in another place RIGHT NOW.

Speaking of which, Sebastian, 16 year old siamese of my heart, used to be a full 19 pounds of luscious kittiness. Yesterday I weighed him and he weighs 13 pounds. My poor kitty is thinking of leaving me. I am going to the vet with him early next week to determine his fate. He'll be fine, right?

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